トップページ > item2022 > バリアスアーティスト / ヤングパーソンズガイドトゥブルーベリーE.P.


04-72 バリアスアーティスト – ヤングパーソンズガイドトゥブルーベリーE.P.


101 Dalmatians

元Johnny Deeのギタリスト下田剛によるソロ・ユニット。大半をLeftbankよりリリースしてた。この楽曲は1998年、今を時めくデザイナー伊藤敦志氏が当時運営していたインディー・レーベルBananafish Labelのコンピ “Cherrios ’98”に収録されていた1曲。まるでPrefab Sproutを彷彿とさせつつも、後のJohnny Johnnyへ導かれる様なニュアンスの隠れ超名曲。この曲はそのコンピでしか聴けなかった知る人ぞ知る名曲。

Memory Girls

渋谷系の名レーベルCruel Recordsよりデビューした事でも知られた(後にメジャーへ移籍) 元Arch , 現Bank (Nuback, Vacation Three)の中村大さんが1発変則ユニットとして以前配信でリリースしていた音源。日本のThe Impossibles?なんて言いたくなるガールズ・インディー・ポップ。




元Arch , 現Bank (Nuback, Vacation Three) の軸である中村大さん本人名義の隠れた名曲。美麗なアコースティック・ギターの響きにナチュラルな彼の歌声がひたすら心地よい名曲。Ben Wattのソロを彷彿とさせるサウダージ・ナンバー。

Artist Profile

101 Dalmatians

A solo unit by former Johnny Dee guitarist Tsuyoshi Shimoda (now THEE WINDLESS GATES). Most of them were released from Leftbank. This song was recorded in 1998 on the compilation "Cherrios '98" of the indie label Bananafish Label, which was run by the designer Atsushi Ito, who is thrilling now. A hidden super-masterpiece with nuances that is reminiscent of Prefab Sprout, but is guided by Johnny Johnny later. This song is a masterpiece known to those in the know who could only hear it at that comp.

Memory Girls

The sound source that was previously released as a one-shot irregular unit by former Arch, now Bank (Nuback, Vacation Three) Dai Nakamura, who was also known for debuting from the famous Shibuya label Crue-L Records (later transferred to major) .. The Impossibles in Japan? Girls indie pop that makes you want to say.


Reina's solo work, which is known for her activities in potpourri, ripening all of the lyrics, composition, arrangement, song, flute, and pianica by herself. This work is a little different from the potpourri, rather it is a song that was sent to the so-called Shibuya-kei. The bossa nova-style light rhythm and papapa scat are adorable. Besides, it is a hidden masterpiece with the best timing such as Glockenspiel and Beautifl flute.

Dai Nakamura

A hidden masterpiece in the name of Mr. Dai Nakamura, who is the axis of the former Arch and the current Bank (Nuback, Vacation Three). A masterpiece with a beautiful acoustic guitar sound and his natural singing voice. A Saudade number reminiscent of Ben Watt's solo(likely North Marine Drive).




a young person's guide to blue-very e.p.

blue-very label


2020年コロナ禍によるブルーベリー実店舗救済目的で制作されたコンピより4曲を抜粋したアナログ7インチ。元Johnny Deeによる101 Dalmatians、元ARCH中村大がThe Impossibles的な架空のデュオを形成したMemory Girls、超キュートなボーカルとハネモノ渋谷系といった趣のれいな、Ben Wattの世界観をもつARCH中村大によるソロ名義ナンバーの4曲収録。超限定アナログ7インチリリースとなります。イラストはCDリリースと同じくneeによるもので、ストーリー性を持たせイージー・リスナー的遊び心を表現。また今回アナログ化に伴いリマスタリングをお馴染みMicrostar佐藤清喜に依頼。2022年RSD話題の1枚。


An analog 7-inch excerpt of 4 songs from a compilation produced for the purpose of relieving a real blue-very store by covid-19 in 2021.

Former Johnny Dee Tsuyoshi Shimoda solo unit 101 Dalmatians is a hidden masterpiece that leads to Prefab Sprout and Johnny Johnny in a good way. This song was included in the compilation released in 1998 by the indie label "banana fish”.from Nagoya

Former ARCH Dai Nakamura formed a fictional duo like The Impossibles Memory Girls Cute Girls Twin Vocal!!!


1. 101ダルメシアンズ - ウェイティン
2. メモリー・ガールズ - アワ・フリーダム・アワ・ダークネス

1. れいな - メイク・ア・パンケーキ
2. 中村大 - アイ・ラブ・ユー

Track List

1. 101 Dalmatians - waitin’
2. Memory Girls - our freedom our darkness

1. Reina - make a pancake
2. Dai Nakamura - I Love You



101 Dalmatians

元Johnny Deeのギタリスト下田剛によるソロ・ユニット。大半をLeftbankよりリリースしてた。この楽曲は1998年、今を時めくデザイナー伊藤敦志氏が当時運営していたインディー・レーベルBananafish Labelのコンピ “Cherrios ’98”に収録されていた1曲。まるでPrefab Sproutを彷彿とさせつつも、後のJohnny Johnnyへ導かれる様なニュアンスの隠れ超名曲。この曲はそのコンピでしか聴けなかった知る人ぞ知る名曲。

Memory Girls

渋谷系の名レーベルCruel Recordsよりデビューした事でも知られた(後にメジャーへ移籍) 元Arch , 現Bank (Nuback, Vacation Three)の中村大さんが1発変則ユニットとして以前配信でリリースしていた音源。日本のThe Impossibles?なんて言いたくなるガールズ・インディー・ポップ。




元Arch , 現Bank (Nuback, Vacation Three) の軸である中村大さん本人名義の隠れた名曲。美麗なアコースティック・ギターの響きにナチュラルな彼の歌声がひたすら心地よい名曲。Ben Wattのソロを彷彿とさせるサウダージ・ナンバー。

Artist Profile

101 Dalmatians

A solo unit by former Johnny Dee guitarist Tsuyoshi Shimoda (now THEE WINDLESS GATES). Most of them were released from Leftbank. This song was recorded in 1998 on the compilation "Cherrios '98" of the indie label Bananafish Label, which was run by the designer Atsushi Ito, who is thrilling now. A hidden super-masterpiece with nuances that is reminiscent of Prefab Sprout, but is guided by Johnny Johnny later. This song is a masterpiece known to those in the know who could only hear it at that comp.

Memory Girls

The sound source that was previously released as a one-shot irregular unit by former Arch, now Bank (Nuback, Vacation Three) Dai Nakamura, who was also known for debuting from the famous Shibuya label Crue-L Records (later transferred to major) .. The Impossibles in Japan? Girls indie pop that makes you want to say.


Reina's solo work, which is known for her activities in potpourri, ripening all of the lyrics, composition, arrangement, song, flute, and pianica by herself. This work is a little different from the potpourri, rather it is a song that was sent to the so-called Shibuya-kei. The bossa nova-style light rhythm and papapa scat are adorable. Besides, it is a hidden masterpiece with the best timing such as Glockenspiel and Beautifl flute.

Dai Nakamura

A hidden masterpiece in the name of Mr. Dai Nakamura, who is the axis of the former Arch and the current Bank (Nuback, Vacation Three). A masterpiece with a beautiful acoustic guitar sound and his natural singing voice. A Saudade number reminiscent of Ben Watt's solo(likely North Marine Drive).
