ジャズ・ピアニストの秋吉敏子、ジャズ・サックス・プレイヤー、チャーリー・マリアーノの間に生まれる。日本映画界で女優として活躍していたが、1991年、アルバム 『mangetsu』のリリースをきっかけにシンガーソングライターとしての キャリアをスタート。ジャズをベースにとしたアシッド・ジャズ、ソウル、ドラムンベース、ラテン、ブラジリアン、など様々なジャンルで多様な楽器を取り入れた無国籍な音楽を作り続けている。またシンガー/ライターとして、DJ Krush, Mondo Grosso,Kyoto Jazz Massive, Basement Jaxx, UA, Masters At Work, Joe Clausell, Lisa Ono などとの音楽制作をはじめ、birdへの楽曲の提供やヴォーカル・アレンジなどバラエティに富んだサウンド・ワークを務めるなどミュージシャンとして幅広く活躍。アシッド・ジャズの先駆者としても知られる一方、プロデュースも手掛けるユニークな女性アーティストとしてクラブミュージック界では高く評価される。
Artist Profile
Born in Tokyo, Japan and raised in bicoastal U.S. as the daughter of NEA Jazz Master Toshiko Akiyoshi, cult jazz saxophonist Charlie Mariano as well as jazz saxophonist-flutist Lew Tabackin, Monday Michiru, so named to reflect both her Japanese and American-Italian heritages, started music classically on flute studying at the prestigious Interlochen Arts Academy in the U.S. on scholarship, gravitating later to singing, composition and production. In 1987 she debuted in the lead role as an opera singer in the Japanese movie “Hikaru Onna” directed by Shinji Somai which garnered her Best New Actress award by the Japan Film Academy amongst other film societies. Her subsequent move back to Japan furthered her career in acting, as well as hosting her own radio programs, modeling, performing in top venues and festivals worldwide, and as a journalist with steady columns. Since her music debut release in 1991, Monday has released albums on a steady basis both as a soloist and collaborator and is known as one of the pioneers of the Japanese acid jazz movement. While her discography boasts countless chart topping dance floor hits, Monday’s compositional style and repertoire has evolved to that which is undeniably hers with reflections of jazz, soul, Brazilian, folk, and other urban and world flavors. Monday currently resides in New York, continues to record and perform worldwide, and heads the lyric writing workshops LYRICIZE.
ソウル、ジャズ、ブラジル、レゲエなどオール・タイムなダンス・クラシックス、"踊れる名曲"をMONDAY満ちるが全曲NY録音でジャジーなテイストにカバー!2011年にリリースされたアルバムが待望の初LP化。以前7インチ・シングルでリリースされた「You Are The Universe」は即完。今回はLP用に井出靖が新たに選曲を手掛け、よりジャジーな1枚に仕上がっている。
MONDAY Michiru covers soul, jazz, Brazilian, reggae, and other all-time dance classics with a jazzy taste.
"You Are The Universe" was previously released as a 7" single and sold out immediately. This time, Yasushi Ide has selected the songs for the LP, making it a more jazzy album.
Side A
1.Ooh La La La
2.I Can't Help It
3.Don't Disturb This Groove
Side B
5.Um Amigo
6.Best Of My Life
7.You Are The Universe
8.No Woman No Cry
Track List
Side A
1.Ooh La La La
2.I Can't Help It
3.Don't Disturb This Groove
Side B
5.Um Amigo
6.Best Of My Life
7.You Are The Universe
8.No Woman No Cry
ジャズ・ピアニストの秋吉敏子、ジャズ・サックス・プレイヤー、チャーリー・マリアーノの間に生まれる。日本映画界で女優として活躍していたが、1991年、アルバム 『mangetsu』のリリースをきっかけにシンガーソングライターとしての キャリアをスタート。ジャズをベースにとしたアシッド・ジャズ、ソウル、ドラムンベース、ラテン、ブラジリアン、など様々なジャンルで多様な楽器を取り入れた無国籍な音楽を作り続けている。またシンガー/ライターとして、DJ Krush, Mondo Grosso,Kyoto Jazz Massive, Basement Jaxx, UA, Masters At Work, Joe Clausell, Lisa Ono などとの音楽制作をはじめ、birdへの楽曲の提供やヴォーカル・アレンジなどバラエティに富んだサウンド・ワークを務めるなどミュージシャンとして幅広く活躍。アシッド・ジャズの先駆者としても知られる一方、プロデュースも手掛けるユニークな女性アーティストとしてクラブミュージック界では高く評価される。
Artist Profile
Born in Tokyo, Japan and raised in bicoastal U.S. as the daughter of NEA Jazz Master Toshiko Akiyoshi, cult jazz saxophonist Charlie Mariano as well as jazz saxophonist-flutist Lew Tabackin, Monday Michiru, so named to reflect both her Japanese and American-Italian heritages, started music classically on flute studying at the prestigious Interlochen Arts Academy in the U.S. on scholarship, gravitating later to singing, composition and production. In 1987 she debuted in the lead role as an opera singer in the Japanese movie “Hikaru Onna” directed by Shinji Somai which garnered her Best New Actress award by the Japan Film Academy amongst other film societies. Her subsequent move back to Japan furthered her career in acting, as well as hosting her own radio programs, modeling, performing in top venues and festivals worldwide, and as a journalist with steady columns. Since her music debut release in 1991, Monday has released albums on a steady basis both as a soloist and collaborator and is known as one of the pioneers of the Japanese acid jazz movement. While her discography boasts countless chart topping dance floor hits, Monday’s compositional style and repertoire has evolved to that which is undeniably hers with reflections of jazz, soul, Brazilian, folk, and other urban and world flavors. Monday currently resides in New York, continues to record and perform worldwide, and heads the lyric writing workshops LYRICIZE.