過去作品ではプロデューサーとして、アンリ・ルノー、須永辰緒、小⻄康陽(ex:Pizzicato Five)、ブッゲ・ヴェッセルトフト(JAZZLAND)、Okawa Takeshi(Down Beat Ruler)他、また楽曲プロデュース / コラボレーションとして、Swing Out Sister(UK)、松浦俊夫、福富幸宏、ニコラ・コンテ、大貫憲章、高木完、渡辺俊美(Tokyo No.1 Soul Set)、アート・リンゼイ等を迎えている。
また、フィーチャリング・ボーカルとして大野雄二、re:jazz、吉澤はじめ、Studio Apartment、Quasimode等の作品に参加、世界各国のコンピレーションアルバムにも多数参加している。
単にシンガーとしてだけではなく、ソングライティングやアレンジ、ジャケットのデザインも含めたアート ディレクションに至るまでセルフ・プロデュースをこなす。ファッション、ライフスタイル、ウェルネス、アートとのコラボレーション、選曲、執筆、など、その活動は多岐にわたる。
現在、デビュー20周年を記念したウクレレ弾き語りアルバム『Ukulele Lady』が好評発売中。
Artist Profile
In the year 2001, akiko became the first Japanese singer to sign with the renowned Jazz label, Verve Records. She recorded her first album “Girl Talk” in France with the famous French producer, Henri Renaudt, released in June the same year. She became the new star stirring excitement in the Jazz scene in Japan.
She was initially famous for her repertoire of over 500 standard jazz songs, but also for her flexibility towards different genres, always molding in new styles for each album she releases.
In previous albums, she has worked with producers such as Henri Renaud, Arto Lindsay, Swing Out Sister, Tatsuo Sunaga, Yasuharu Konishi (ex:pizzicato five), Bugge Wesseltoft (Jazzland), Takeshi Okawa (Down Beat Ruler), Toshio Matsuura, Yukihiro Fukutomi, Nicola Conte, Kensho Onuki, Kan Takagi, Toshimi Watanabe (Tokyo No.1 Soul Set)...At the same time, she has participated as guest vocalist for artists such as Yuji Ohno, re;jazz, Hajime Yoshizawa, Studio Apartment, Quasimode...
Other than in Japan, she has recorded in Paris, London, New York, New Orleans, Rio De Janeiro, and Oslo. Through these many collaborations, she has met with various artists, musicians, and producers from many different genres, and in each song her versatility as an artist shines.
Not only as a singer, she is also known and praised for her ability as a producer. Writing and arranging songs, and also direction for all artwork on her albums.
Through her music, fashion and life-style, akiko has become a one and only icon representing a new era in Jazz, and it marked her 20th anniversary as a singer in 2021.
2001年、名門ジャズ・レーベル、ヴァーヴ初の日本人女性シンガーとしてデビュー以来、既存のジャンルに捕らわれない幅広い表現で常に斬新な話題を提供してきたakikoが、ローズマリー・クルーニーの往年のヒット曲をスウィンギーにゴージャスに歌い上げる。バックを務めるGentle Forest Jazz Bandによるビッグバンドアレンジも秀逸。B面には、江利チエミでお馴染みの日本語Ver.も収録。自身の真骨頂でもあるJive色を強く感じる仕上がりも見事な、盛り上がり必至の一枚。
Side A
Come On-A My House
Side B
Come On-A My House (Japanese Ver.)
Track List
Side A
Come On-A My House
Side B
Come On-A My House (Japanese Ver.)
過去作品ではプロデューサーとして、アンリ・ルノー、須永辰緒、小⻄康陽(ex:Pizzicato Five)、ブッゲ・ヴェッセルトフト(JAZZLAND)、Okawa Takeshi(Down Beat Ruler)他、また楽曲プロデュース / コラボレーションとして、Swing Out Sister(UK)、松浦俊夫、福富幸宏、ニコラ・コンテ、大貫憲章、高木完、渡辺俊美(Tokyo No.1 Soul Set)、アート・リンゼイ等を迎えている。
また、フィーチャリング・ボーカルとして大野雄二、re:jazz、吉澤はじめ、Studio Apartment、Quasimode等の作品に参加、世界各国のコンピレーションアルバムにも多数参加している。
単にシンガーとしてだけではなく、ソングライティングやアレンジ、ジャケットのデザインも含めたアート ディレクションに至るまでセルフ・プロデュースをこなす。ファッション、ライフスタイル、ウェルネス、アートとのコラボレーション、選曲、執筆、など、その活動は多岐にわたる。
現在、デビュー20周年を記念したウクレレ弾き語りアルバム『Ukulele Lady』が好評発売中。
Artist Profile
In the year 2001, akiko became the first Japanese singer to sign with the renowned Jazz label, Verve Records. She recorded her first album “Girl Talk” in France with the famous French producer, Henri Renaudt, released in June the same year. She became the new star stirring excitement in the Jazz scene in Japan.
She was initially famous for her repertoire of over 500 standard jazz songs, but also for her flexibility towards different genres, always molding in new styles for each album she releases.
In previous albums, she has worked with producers such as Henri Renaud, Arto Lindsay, Swing Out Sister, Tatsuo Sunaga, Yasuharu Konishi (ex:pizzicato five), Bugge Wesseltoft (Jazzland), Takeshi Okawa (Down Beat Ruler), Toshio Matsuura, Yukihiro Fukutomi, Nicola Conte, Kensho Onuki, Kan Takagi, Toshimi Watanabe (Tokyo No.1 Soul Set)...At the same time, she has participated as guest vocalist for artists such as Yuji Ohno, re;jazz, Hajime Yoshizawa, Studio Apartment, Quasimode...
Other than in Japan, she has recorded in Paris, London, New York, New Orleans, Rio De Janeiro, and Oslo. Through these many collaborations, she has met with various artists, musicians, and producers from many different genres, and in each song her versatility as an artist shines.
Not only as a singer, she is also known and praised for her ability as a producer. Writing and arranging songs, and also direction for all artwork on her albums.
Through her music, fashion and life-style, akiko has become a one and only icon representing a new era in Jazz, and it marked her 20th anniversary as a singer in 2021.