誰もが知っているジブリの名曲をスインジャズでアレンジした「ジブリジャズ」のヒットを始め、J-POPカヴァーHELLO, DEAR, GODD DAYの3枚、Anime That Jazz, EVER JAZZ などをリリース。累計は20万枚にも迫る。
Artist Profile
ALL THAT JAZZ is a project unit featuring jazz pianist Tomoo Nogami and others. Ghibli Jazz", a swing jazz arrangement of famous Ghibli songs that everyone knows, was a big hit. They have also released three J-Pop cover albums, HELLO, DEAR, and GODD DAY, as well as ANIME THAT JAZZ and EVER JAZZ. The total sales are close to 200,000 copies.
ドラム・ベース・ピアノというシンプルな3点が奏でるジャズテイストに、ホーンや管楽器などで彩を加えたインスト・カバーアルバムとして製作。全12曲の内、3曲「HELLO!」「DEAR!」でボーカルを務めた透明感ある歌声で定評のCOSMiC HOME(コズミックホーム)の桑原由里子が担当。
Over 100,000 CD sales in the series! The long-awaited record of "Ghibli Jazz," which covers the famous songs from the Ghibli films with a swinging jazz feeling!
A1. 君をのせて / A2. 海の見える街 / A3. やさしさに包まれたなら / A4. 風の通り道 / A5. となりのトトロ / A6. 人生のメリーゴーランド / B1. カントリーロード / B2. もののけ姫 / B3.風の谷のナウシカ / B4. ナウシカ・レクイエム / B5. 時には昔の話を / B6. 崖の上のポニョ
Track List
A1. Carrying You (Castle in the Sky) / A2. A Town With An Ocean View (Kiki's Delivery Service) / A3. Wrapped in Gentleness (Kiki's Delivery Service) / A4. The Path of Wind (My Neighbor Totoro) / A5. My Neighbor Totoro (My Neighbor Totoro) / A6. The Merry-Go-Round Of Life (Howl's Moving Castle) / B1. County Road (Whisper of the Heart) / B2. The Princess Mononoke (The Princess Mononoke) / B3. Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind) / B4. Nausicaä Requiem (Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind) / B5. Once In A While, Let's Talk About The Old Days (Porco Rosso) / B6. Ponyo On The Cliff By The Sea (Ponyo)
誰もが知っているジブリの名曲をスインジャズでアレンジした「ジブリジャズ」のヒットを始め、J-POPカヴァーHELLO, DEAR, GODD DAYの3枚、Anime That Jazz, EVER JAZZ などをリリース。累計は20万枚にも迫る。
Artist Profile
ALL THAT JAZZ is a project unit featuring jazz pianist Tomoo Nogami and others. Ghibli Jazz", a swing jazz arrangement of famous Ghibli songs that everyone knows, was a big hit. They have also released three J-Pop cover albums, HELLO, DEAR, and GODD DAY, as well as ANIME THAT JAZZ and EVER JAZZ. The total sales are close to 200,000 copies.