2022年1月26日、バンド名をtetoからthe dadadadys(ザ・ダダダディーズ)に改名することを発表。 tetoとして6年間の活動をしていたボーカルギターの小池貞利、ベースの佐藤健一郎に加え、あらたに元2のドラマー、yuccoが正式加入し、この3人でthe dadadadysを結成。 同年1月26日より、両A面配信限定シングル「ROSSOMAN!」収録の「ROSSOMAN」を先行リリース。同年2月16日より、「PUXXY WOMAN」をリリース。 同年5月より、東京キネマ倶楽部を皮切りに全国9箇所を廻るワンマンツアー、「the dadadadys TOUR 2022」を開催。
Artist Profile
On January 26, 2022, the band announced that they would change their name from teto to the dadadadys. In addition to Sadatoshi Koike (vocal guitar) and Kenichiro Sato (bass), who had been active as teto for 6 years, a new drummer, yucco from the former 2, officially joined the band and formed the dadadadys. On January 26 of the same year, the band released "ROSSOMAN", which was included in the double A-side limited delivery single "ROSSOMAN! PUXXY WOMAN" was released on February 16 of the same year. In May of the same year, they started their solo tour, "the dadadys TOUR 2022", starting at Tokyo Kinema Club and going to 9 places in Japan.
tetoからのバンド名改名後、一発目のフィジカル音源はバンド初となる10インチでのリリース。配信限定シングル曲「ROSSOMAN」「PUXXY WOMAN」含む全6曲収録。ストレートなロックンロールナンバーからUS/UKインディの匂いを感じさせるサウンドまで一枚にパッケージ。
The band's first physical release after changing their name from teto is a 10-inch vinyl. It contains 6 songs including the delivery limited single "ROSSOMAN" and "PUXXY WOMAN". The package includes everything from straightforward rock and roll numbers to sounds with a hint of US/UK indie.
A1.超々超絶絶頂絶好最高潮 A2.ROSSOMAN A3.PUXXY WOMAN B1.しぇけなべいべー B2.青二才 B3.恋
Track List
2022年1月26日、バンド名をtetoからthe dadadadys(ザ・ダダダディーズ)に改名することを発表。 tetoとして6年間の活動をしていたボーカルギターの小池貞利、ベースの佐藤健一郎に加え、あらたに元2のドラマー、yuccoが正式加入し、この3人でthe dadadadysを結成。 同年1月26日より、両A面配信限定シングル「ROSSOMAN!」収録の「ROSSOMAN」を先行リリース。同年2月16日より、「PUXXY WOMAN」をリリース。 同年5月より、東京キネマ倶楽部を皮切りに全国9箇所を廻るワンマンツアー、「the dadadadys TOUR 2022」を開催。
Artist Profile
On January 26, 2022, the band announced that they would change their name from teto to the dadadadys. In addition to Sadatoshi Koike (vocal guitar) and Kenichiro Sato (bass), who had been active as teto for 6 years, a new drummer, yucco from the former 2, officially joined the band and formed the dadadadys. On January 26 of the same year, the band released "ROSSOMAN", which was included in the double A-side limited delivery single "ROSSOMAN! PUXXY WOMAN" was released on February 16 of the same year. In May of the same year, they started their solo tour, "the dadadys TOUR 2022", starting at Tokyo Kinema Club and going to 9 places in Japan.